Corte Zari, a leading company in the contemporary furniture sector, has been selected for the creation of the furnishings of a historic villa with a history worth telling.
Thanks to Corte Zari Shop Gallery in Gallarate, near Milan, she was invited to propose a furnishing solution for each room and found enthusiasm and unconditional approval for the owner.
The project took into account the housing needs of the owners, interpreting each room as unique and special but always a stylistic, integral and integrated part of the complex, whose uniqueness is felt as soon as you take your first steps inside this unique home.
The private rooms, the common areas, the wardrobes, everything has been designed and created as a comfortable but elegant dress that speaks of itself and of the people who proudly wear it.
Fabrics, colors, sensations, shapes, everything follows and harmonizes with a pleasantly lively rhythm that is the background to these spaces of great architectural value.
Corte Zari is now an accomplice and protagonist in the history of this architecture.
In the pages of "Domus", in March 1966, the villa that the architect Carlo Moretti had designed for Aldo Cuccirelli, a well-known textile entrepreneur from Gallarate, province of Varese, and his wife Marion Baruch, an artist of Romanian and cosmopolitan origins,is described. , still very active today between Paris and Milan: "The materials with which the house was built: reinforced concrete left exposed, but without special formwork; iron pillars treated with red lead (not enamel); iron profiles with sliding doors in dark aluminum; floors - inside and out - in lightly polished travertine. The planks and ceilings, treated with rustic plaster of sand and cement, take on different shades of gray, depending on how the light hits them.».
The construction site began in 1961 and lasted about two years. The villa was designed on the top of a moraine hill, in a fortunate position of domination of the landscape of the lower Varese area. To overcome the difficulties that the conformation of the land generated, a vast step and a dam were built on the slope to which the rationalist house clung, which Marion, then in her early thirties, had commissioned to the designer, a peer of the same age and experimenter with whom she shared the worksite.
More a sculpture made of a few calibrated features than a dwelling to live in. That villa made of iron, glass and concrete which today has become an international classic, and is still there, on top of the hill, open to music and banquets caused a scandal in the traditionalist Lombard province of the early 1960s.
«I designed the villa as soon as I graduated, a project conceived on the spot, - recalls Moretti. - The builder I commissioned did not hide the perplexities in dealing with such an unusual typology. But I could count on Marion's understanding who favored a spontaneous design, a direct and participatory execution to never lose that minimal tone that was to distinguish the spirit of the house».
After a period of semi-abandonment in 2019, the architect Paolo Brufatto of Gallarate was awarded the project for the complete recovery.
“I was very honored to be the architect of the rebirth of that architectural asset,says architect Brufatto, - and, my first goal was to absolutely respect the architectural layout and the artistic sense with which it was conceived 60 years ago. I wanted at all costs to maintain its fundamental characteristics, lightness, the internal / external relationship, the minimal windows and its elevations. Certainly so the challenge could be even more difficult as the property had also undergone severe degradation in all these years and needed an important intervention to be able to bring it, in all its elements, to the present day reflecting the technological and plant standards. of the modern era. Let's not forget that it was built in the sixties with the technologies of that time”.
The works lasted about two years but the project has not been corrupted over time, on the contrary it still emanates its energy like an authentic classic. Today the house seems to have been reborn and flourished without any trace of the past and is open to music, friends and guests.
https://cortezari.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/MIlano-Amazing-Project.b.pdfSegui tutti i nostri aggiornamenti